You are here: Reports > Working with Reports
Working with Reports
Once a report has been generated there are several ways to work with the report to get the information needed.
To Print a Report
- Click the Print
icon next to the report name. Or, to print more than one report at a time, Select
all reports to print and click Print Selected in the navigation toolbar.
- In the Nexsure Accounting > Update Batch Print dialog box, make selections in the following:
- Preview Format: The format in which the report is displayed.
- Printer: The printer from which the report will print.
- Restricted: To prevent other personnel from accessing the report.
- Print Now: Must be selected to print report immediately.
- Click OK. The report or report batch is printed.
To Alter the Criteria of a Report
Once a report has been created the criteria can be altered to create another new report.
- Click the Details
icon next to the report to alter. The Nexsure Reports > Report Criteria screen is displayed.
- In the Report Detail > detail tab, click [Edit]. Update the report criteria as needed.
- Click OK. A new report is generated.
To Filter the Report Results
The list of generated reports on the summary tab can be filtered to help search for the report needed.
- On the Reports > summary tab, click [Show]. The Search Criteria and Sort Order areas are displayed.
- In the Search Criteria area, the following filter options are available:
- Report Name: Use this field in conjunction with searches from the Global Activity screens.
- ID: Enter the Batch ID of the report that is being searched for.
- Created By: Enter a minimum of one character of the employee first or last name to find all reports created by that employee.
- Created From: Click the Calendar
icon to select the beginning of the date range in which the report was created.
- To: Click the Calendar
icon to select the end of the date range in which the report was created.
Important: Select a To date that is one day after the date range of the report to search for.
- Status: Select All or one of the status types: Failed, Generating, % Complete, Complete, Printed or Viewed.
- Sorting selections are available to sort the search results similar to the way a spreadsheet can be sorted. In the Sort Order area, the following sorting selections are available:
- Sort Field 1: Select the first field to sort the search results by. The selections include:
- Status: Current status of the report as noted in the Status column. The results will be in alphabetical order.
- Batch ID: Report batch ID as noted in the Batch ID column. The results will be in numerical order.
- Submitted: Date and time the report was submitted as noted in the Created column.
- Complete: Reports with a status of Complete. The results will be in order of the Created date and time.
- Report Name: Used when searching from Global Activity. The results will be in alphabetical order.
- Sort Order 1: Select either Descending or Ascending order.
- Sort Field 2: Select the second field to sort the search results by. The selections include:
- Status: Current status of the report as noted in the Status column. The results will be in alphabetical order.
- Batch ID: Report batch ID as noted in the Batch ID column. The results will be in numerical order.
- Submitted: Date and time the report was submitted as noted in the Created column.
- Complete: Reports with a status of Complete. The results will be in order of the Created date and time.
- Report Name: Used when searching from Global Activity. The results will be in alphabetical order.
- Sort Order 2: Select either Descending or Ascending order.
Note: To sort on only one selection, repeat the selection in Sort Field 2 so there are no conflicting sort selections.
- Click Search.
Note: Click Clear to remove all search settings.