You are here: Reports > Working with Reports

Working with Reports

Once a report has been generated there are several ways to work with the report to get the information needed.

To Print a Report

  1. Click the Print icon next to the report name. Or, to print more than one report at a time, Select all reports to print and click Print Selected in the navigation toolbar.

  1. In the Nexsure Accounting > Update Batch Print dialog box, make selections in the following:
  2. Preview Format: The format in which the report is displayed.
  3. Printer: The printer from which the report will print.
  4. Restricted: To prevent other personnel from accessing the report.
  5. Print Now: Must be selected to print report immediately.
  6. Click OK. The report or report batch is printed.

To Alter the Criteria of a Report

Once a report has been created the criteria can be altered to create another new report.

  1. Click the Details icon next to the report to alter. The Nexsure Reports > Report Criteria screen is displayed.

  1. In the Report Detail > detail tab, click [Edit]. Update the report criteria as needed.
  2. Click OK. A new report is generated.

To Filter the Report Results

The list of generated reports on the summary tab can be filtered to help search for the report needed.

  1. On the Reports > summary tab, click [Show]. The Search Criteria and Sort Order areas are displayed.

  1. In the Search Criteria area, the following filter options are available:

Important: Select a To date that is one day after the date range of the report to search for.

  1. Sorting selections are available to sort the search results similar to the way a spreadsheet can be sorted. In the Sort Order area, the following sorting selections are available:

Note: To sort on only one selection, repeat the selection in Sort Field 2 so there are no conflicting sort selections.

  1. Click Search.

Note: Click Clear to remove all search settings.